The Thing(1982) Movie Review 4/5

Part four of my review(In this installment more like a candid reading of the alternate climax from Alan Dean Foster’s novelization of The Thing) of the chilling classic, The Thing(1982) starring Kurt Russell, Wilford Brimley, TK Carter, David Clennon, Keith David, Joel Polis, Richard Masur, Richard A. Dysart, Larry J. Franco, and Charles Hallahan. Directed by John Carpenter. Trivia Poster artist Drew Struzan created the poster for this film basically overnight and without having seen any publicity photos. According to John Carpenter in an interview, that he takes all of his failure movies pretty hard. However, he said that out of all those movies, this movie he took the hardest. Not only because the movie was a failure upon release but because both critics and the audience (to Carpenter’s shock) panned the movie for its gory violence and bleak content. Nick Nolte turned down the role of MacReady, as did Jeff Bridges. John Carpenter has stated that of all his films, this is his personal favorite. In the scene where Palmer offers to pilot the helicopter and turns to leave, the back of his biker jacket reads “BARBARIANS / CALIFORNIA” with crossed battle axes and shield logo. In the DVD commentary, John Carpenter said Wilford Brimley was the only cast member not initially grossed out by the autopsy scene where they used real animal organs. Brimley had been a real-life cowboy, and gutting animals and removing organs was a normal experience for him. This movie has become part

This entry was posted on Sunday, July 22nd, 2012 at 9:42 am and is filed under 1982. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.

4 Responses to “The Thing(1982) Movie Review 4/5”

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